Saturday, August 26, 2006


I had a whole big post prepared, but I think a more simpler one is more appropriate. Feel free to spread THIS ONE around the dojo.

In the time I've trained at your dojo, I've had both pleasant and unpleasant experiences. I've met and partnered with people that I've liked, and some that I haven't. I've had moments of enlightenment, as well as times of feeling completely lost.

I've never refused to partner with anyone, cept someone who already was refusing to work with me.

I've used my blog as a means to vent things that don't need to be said in the dojo. In most cases, they resolve themselves constructively. I've felt relief at having vented, as well as regret sometimes at having been so hasty to criticize.

I've had doubts over techniques, but never the ability of my instructor. Love him to death. Don't mistake criticism of a move as criticism of the teacher.

If ya'll don't want to partner with me, that's fine. I'm sure I can recall enough stupid things ya'll've done that I can hold against you too.

Or we can move on, and get back to practicing.

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